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ADD-NI was originally established in 1997 as a support network for children, young people and families of those affected by AD/HD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADD-NI provides a unique and specialised service, based in Belfast. We provide services across Northern Ireland, regionally and now have a satelite office based in Dungannon, The Hub of the North. Our sole aim is to promote and support the needs of those affected by AD/HD.
At ADD-NI we firmly believe ’all children with AD/HD deserve the best start in life’ and that this can be best achieved by ’supporting and empowering children, parents and adults’ with early interventions in order to nurture their ability to achieve their full potential and to cope better with difficulties associated with living with the effects of AD/HD. Moving from dependence to empowerment
Children and young people take part in a 6-week programme specially designed by ADDNI’s group therapists. ADD-NI’s young people’s programme aims to support and empower young people. The programme enables children and young people to take charge of their AD/HD and to manage it allowing them to combat its negative aspects, accentuate its positives and ensure each young person can achieve their full potential in every aspect of their lives.
Brothers and sisters of young people with AD/HD have a crucial role to play in helping their siblings but often need support and advice to cope with the effects of AD/HD on themselves and on the family unit.
The programme aims to assist these young people to play their part in promoting a positive and nurturing family atmosphere and reduce stress levels allowing a better understanding of AD/HD and how to deal with it on a full time basis.
ADD-NI provides programmes to young people serving custodial sentences in Northern Ireland. The programmes run are designed to increase awareness and understanding of AD/HD. ADD-NI’s Young Offenders programme is tailored to specifically meet the needs of young people who have a diagnosis of AD/HD in a custodial setting.
Counselling is a talking therapy, delivered by trained practitioners, which will initially entail 8 sessions over an 8 week period which is reviewed on a regular basis.
Counselling takes place on a one to one basis to help bring about effective change or enhance a young persons emotional and psychological wellbeing, enabling them to cope better with the impact and effects of AD/HD.
ADD-NI’s Parenting Programme is a unique and specialised programme aimed at improving relationships, reducing family stress, improving parenting efficiency and providing a supportive environment for parents. The programme includes 10 weekly sessions, providing a supportive environment for our parents.
We offer our ADDNI Parent Support meeting on a bi-monthly basis, you can also become a member to receive our updates on support meetings and other relevant information.
ADD-NI offers support and information in the form of a telephone helpline which is available from 10.30 am -2 pm. One of our staff will aim to answer your query as effectively as possible and process your query as quickly as possible. There is an answer machine service that will save any messages that are received outside these hours. The messages are picked up by staff that will get in touch with anyone who leaves a message on the machine.
ADD-NI offers training to professionals and members of the public on various aspects of AD/HD, including information, awareness and tailored training packages.
This can be delivered on site at your business premises or at ADD-NI’s premises.
For further information please contact the Centre.
ADD-NI continuously requests a commitment from all political parties in advocating for the needs of our adults and young people.
In November 2015 ADD-NI set out the manifesto of AD/HD Time for Change.
Following the manifesto, an All-Party Group (APG) on AD/HD commenced.
The purpose of the APG is to bring about positive change, alter public perceptions and improve the quality of life for those affected by AD/HD across Northern Ireland
The programme was founded on the premise that adults affected by AD/HD would benefit from an increased understanding of the condition and be given the opportunity to explore their concerns with others who share similar difficulties.
These issues will be explored through psycho-education, cognitive behaviour therapy, group discussion and introducing practical strategies. The efficacy of the group will be quantitatively and qualitatively through measurement of mood, behaviour and social interaction reported by participants and observers pre and post group intervention.
Adults can be offered eight sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy. 8 sessions will be offered to allow each individual: develop the skills and the positive mindset necessary to achieve their full potential. This will enable our adults to better cope with the effects of AD/HD. Specific issues which may be having a negative impact on social relationships, family life can be addressed. Dealing with such issues will promote more understanding of behaviour at home and thus reducing family stress levels and encouraging them to make positive lifestyle choices.
ADD-NI has an ever-growing list of referrals for our adult services. Therefore as an interim measure while our adults are awaiting their place on their requested service they can have the chance to receive support by attending the support meeting at the Centre and meeting with other adults with AD/HD. For further information please contact the Centre
The SDLP’s Fearghal McKinney, MLA invited ADD-NI Children’s Charity to publically launch the ’Time for Change’ manifesto in The Long Gallery, Stormont.
The manifesto identified the need for all political parties to include a commitment in their party manifesto ensuring that all young people, adults, and families affected by AD/HD have access to specifically tailored, evidence-based interventions that meet NICE Guidelines.
ADD-NI set up a Youth Committee to give voice to young people who live with the condition in Northern Ireland. There are ten members, aged between 16-25 years old.
Our referrals are open click below to begin your application.
Please note we have an increased level of demand. All referrals will be placed on our waiting list.